Entries by earthdog


Υλικά 2 φλ. αλεύρι που φουσκώνει μόνο του 2 κ.γλ. μπέικιν πάουντερ 1 φλ. βούτυρο 1½ φλ. ζάχαρη 2 αυγά 4 μήλα κομμένα σε κυβάκια 1/4 φλ. κονιάκ 1/2 φλ. γάλα 1 κ.γλ. κανέλα 1 κ.γλ. γαρίφαλο Εκτέλεση Χτυπάμε στο μίξερ το βούτυρο και τη ζάχαρη να αφρατέψουν. Προσθέτουμε τα αυγά ένα ένα και ανακατεύουμε […]

Using depth of field in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Microsoft Flight Simulator has a nice little feature that will help you grab some nice screenshots. Using the drone camera , you can manually handle the depth of field of your frame. Although the feature is helpful, it does not guarantee automatic majestic screenshots. Some points that i have found useful for its use: Do […]

Microsoft Flight Simulator: Third Party software that i use

A sort breakdown of the mods that i currently use in MSFS. Online Flying vPilot. VATSIM connectivity client. Utilities PTTBuddy. Automatic volume management. Created by me. REX Weather Force 2020. PushbackHelper. Free utility for pushback. CaptureFS. A free utility to automate screenshot capture for creating timelapses. Created by me. NVIDIA Freestyle. If you own an […]

How to create time-lapses in Microsoft Flight Simulator

Time-lapses are videos created based on the technique of taking a sequence of frames at set intervals to record changes that take place slowly over time. When the frames are shown at normal speed the action seems much faster. Moving Time-lapses also exist. The difference in these is that the camera moves during the recording […]

How to use NVIDIA Freestyle with Microsoft Flight Simulator + Add Reshade filters to NVIDIA Freestyle

Make sure that you have updated both GeForce Experience & NVIDIA drivers to the latest available. In order to use NVIDIA Freestyle with GeForce Experience, make sure that is enabled by enabling the “Experimental Features”: Go to Settings: And enable “Experimental Features”: After restarting GeForce Experience you will be able to check and see that […]

Ψάρι πλακί

Τα πάντα εκτός από δάφνη, μαϊντανό , ψάρι μπαίνουν στο ταψί. Ψήνονται για περίπου 35-40 λεπτά μέχρι να γίνουν περίπου οι πατάτες. Μπαίνει το ψάρι και η δάφνη. Το ψάρι χώνεται μέσα στο ζουμί. Ψήνεται για άλλα 30-35 λεπτά. Υλικά συνταγής: 1300 g βακαλάο 100 g ελαιόλαδο 1 kg κομμένες κυδωνάτες πατάτες 100 g σέλερι, […]

Μοσχάρι Γιουβέτσι – Η συνδυαστική συνταγή

Συνήθως διαβάζω καλές συνταγές και τις συνδυάζω αφού βρω τα κύρια σημεία της κάθε μιας , βάζοντας και ιδέες που νομίζω ότι ταιριάζουν. Μια από αυτές είναι και το μοσχάρι γιουβέτσι: Για το κοκκινιστό κρέας βασίζομαι στην συνταγή αυτή από το caruso. Για τις βασικές αρχές ποσότητας / χρόνου επίσης συμβουλεύομαι αυνταγή από το caruso. […]

VATBOARD.WEB – The web version of VATBOARD – A simple arrival departures board for VATSIM traffic

VATBOARD.WEB is the web version of VATBOARD. Location Head to http://vatboard.estassinos.com GitHub Project’s page: https://github.com/e4rthdog/VatBoard.Web Features / Operation URL Parameters: Airport ICAO: Provide the airport icao. For example for EGLL the URL is http://vatboard.estassinos.com?icao=EGLL VATBOARD shows the first 10 arrival flights and starts automatic scroll if there are more. When the list scrolls to the […]

Prepar3D Reload Shaders

With P3D 4.5 there is an option to reload shaders without exiting the simulator. Simply bind the “Reload Shaders” control to a button of your choice. Then open up PTA or Tomato, change the setting you like and save / install the shaders. Use your Reload Shaders button and watch simulator refresh the shaders. Screen […]

Prepar3D PTA Ini File (P3D v4.1 – PTA 2.60)

Hi All! I’ve been having requests for my .ini file. So here it is. I will be including the change log on this post. Do what ever you want with it. ***NOTE*** Currently i am still on P3D 4.1 so this preset will throw errors if loaded with latest PTA 2.61. If somebody fixes the […]