AutoHotKey script to assign Copy / Paste

Recently i bought a Microsoft Sculpt mouse. I observed that there was a right and left wheel mouse key functionality, but there was (is) no way to assign Key combination to them.

I found out that indeed for no reason this is the case. All the searches ended up proposing one of the 2 solutions. Either use X-Mouse Button Control to do that or AutoHotKey script.

I tried the first but there was no way to adjust the repeat time between keystrokes, ending up having multiple keystrokes send.

So i choose to create an AutoHotKey script (and compile it to .exe later).

I usually assign Copy on Wheel Left click and Paste on Wheel Right Click.

Here is the code:

; Script to assign Copy / Paste to wheel clicks (left,right)

#SingleInstance force
WheelRight::Send % ((A_PriorHotkey=A_ThisHotkey)&&(A_TimeSincePriorHotkey<600))?"":"{Ctrl Down}v{Ctrl Up}"
WheelLeft::Send % ((A_PriorHotkey=A_ThisHotkey)&&(A_TimeSincePriorHotkey<600))?"":"{Ctrl Down}c{Ctrl Up}"


**IMPORTANT** These scripts will NOT work if you do not uninstall Mouse and Keyboard application from Microsoft (or Intellisense).

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